A blog dedicated to my plight into the foreign world of health and fitness. I am battling laziness, food addiction, carb loving, a lifetime of bad habits and genetics. Will I survive?
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Eating a Ton But Still Exercising
Because I am still not missing a single day of exercise. Through my busy basketball schedule which makes it a task I am keeping up. I run 4 times a week for 5 miles. I do the bike/treadmill for 60 minutes on the other 3 days. Good times, most of the time. I miss the outdoor running. The track around the top of the gym at the YMCA and around the hallways of my school after school is annoying but it gets the job done. I cannot wait for the temperature to break fifty again!
Merry Christmas and if you want a New Year's resolution of losing weight and keeping it off- contact me at jkufs@yahoo.com I am not kidding, I have some thoughts and answers and would love to help.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
6 Months Done and 70 Pounds Lighter
I also ran 5 miles this morning in 39:40!!!
That is under 8:00 miles for 5 miles. Wow, that is better than my 4 miler this summer!!! Crazy, I cannot wait to run in a 10K sometime soon. The knee pain is minimal as well. Exciting times!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Busy But Finding a Way
My tailbone is still sore so very little biking. My knee and IT Band still hurt so running is sporadic and somewhat limited to 5 times a week and only 3-6 miles at a time. I fill the gaps with the treadmill on the incline or brisk outdoor walking. All adds up to an hour at least a day. Every day. That is the key. Oh, and the treadmill at the local YMCA. Mine has a broken motor. I bought the warranty. The parts are in the mail. Have been for over two weeks. I call every day. They can't even give me tracking information! What a joke.
What is exciting is that I eat basically what I want. That is fun. And I weigh around 170-175 depending on the time of day and other factors. Started on May 24th at over 240 so it is pretty exciting. I never want to live like that again.
Anytime anyone wants to get serious about weight loss- send me a note. I would be happy to help!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Still Plugging Along
I really cannot imagine ever running without injury again but we'll see. On a better note I am still putting in at least sixty minutes of cardio every day. I am losing about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds a week now I think. I am around 175 or so. I am also trying to build my weak muscles.
Thursday I get that cyst removed so Friday/Saturday/Sunday exercise and beyond looks iffy. I will do what I can though. The battle continues...
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I Ran 24:31 in a 5K Today!!!

Look below- I bolded and put my result in a bigger font. My wife, brother-in-law, and the priest that married us are also bolded. This is just the top 20 of the 76 competitors. A 2: 18 improvement from my July race on a throbbing knee and I have barely been running. I did watch a Tim Tebow special the night before and I was super pumped all. All my hard work! Look at my June times, around 10-11 minute miles and now a 5k in 7:53 miles!!! Crazy!
Camillus, NY September 19, 2009
Results By Leone Timing & Results Services
1 Tim Murphy M# 1 18:25 5:56 18:25 5:56 Liverpool NY
2 Terrence Doyle M# 2 18:43 6:02 18:43 6:02 Syracuse NY
3 Rob Shostack M# 3 18:47 6:03 18:47 6:03 Camillus NY
4 Chris Hahn M# 4 20:18 6:32 20:17 6:32 Syracuse NY
5 Annette Barry F# 1 20:25 6:35 20:24 6:34 Camillus NY
6 John Everts M# 5 22:16 7:10 22:14 7:10 Syracuse NY
7 Bill Lichtinger M# 6 22:23 7:12 22:20 7:12 Liverpool NY
8 Amudhan Viswanathan 33 M# 7 22:33 7:16 22:32 7:15 Camillus NY
9 Rick Francisco M# 8 23:53 7:42 23:41 7:38 Camillus NY
10 Michael Ferrari M# 9 24:13 7:48 24:05 7:46 Camillus NY
11 Cody Collins M# 10 24:15 7:49 24:15 7:49 Camillus NY
12 Joey Francisco M# 11 24:15 7:49 24:15 7:49 Camillus NY
13 Brian Smith M# 12 24:23 7:51 24:18 7:50 Syracuse NY
14 Jim Simko M# 13 24:29 7:53 24:26 7:52 Camillus NY
15 Jason Kufs M# 14 24:31 7:54 24:30 7:53 Auburn NY
16 Joanna Kufs F# 2 24:53 8:01 24:52 8:01 Auburn NY
17 Vincent Murphy M# 15 24:54 8:01 24:50 8:00 Camillus NY
18 Michael DeFio M# 16 25:06 8:05 25:05 8:05 Camillus NY
19 Jeffrey Hager M# 17 25:14 8:08 25:13 8:07 Memphis NY
20 Fr. Michael Galuppi M# 18 25:28 8:12 25:17 8:09 Camillus NY
Sunday, September 13, 2009
An Hour a Day, EVERY DAY.
Every day.
The bike says it burns about 700 or so calories but I believe it might be more.
The treadmill says I burn about 1100 calories or so but I be less. Although I NEVER hold the rail or hold anything. I have researched and it cuts the calories burned in half, hurts the machine and can hurt your back to hold on.
And I have not and do not plan on missing a single day.
What a wonderful obsession!
My weight is not moving as fast as it used to but I am over sixty pounds lost and still moving in the good direction. I never want to be heavy again.
Still eating plenty of apples and drinking plenty of water. A few bad foods here and their but what the heck, I am working hard here.
Good times!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Running and Biking Through it All
All of that happened in the past few weeks and I never missed a day. I am running 8:40 miles for 5 mile runs each day or an hour on the bike on 10 resistance.
I ran the morning of my wedding, I biked the night after in a Boston Park Plaza Hotel Fitness room, I ran the streets of Boston- Newberry/Commonwealth/Berkeley/etc and saw Fenway last Sunday morning. The next day I ran along the road on the ocean in Hyannis in Cape Cod. Did that Tuesday too!
I have not missed a day. Eaten like a pig through some of this but still working hard.
I have even lost a little weight through all of this madness.
5K to work for in Camillus, NY on September 19. I need a 10K though.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Weight Loss and Double Sessions
I have lost just over fifty pounds!
The double sessions a few times a week help.
I have 3 ways of getting cardio:
-Running outside (my favorite but man the shin still beyond kills me)
-Walking on the highest incline on the treadmill
-Riding the stationary bike at the YMCA
All burn about the same calories because of the time I spend on each, 600-900 or so. Some days I do two.
Yesterday I biked for 58 minutes at 600 calories burned in the afternoon and ran 3.8 miles in 34 minutes in the night. That was a good day.
Today I just ran 4 miles.
Tomorrow I hope I can push for a double session.
One more pound to lose and I am the top of the normal scale for BMI! No longer obese or even overweight. Mind you the very top for a "large" frame so probably I need to drop more.
If, with the crap I am certain to eat for the wedding and on vacation, I keep working out and make a good push after- I am certain I can shave 10-15 more off by Labor Day. That would be Memorial Day to Labor Day 60-65 pounds. 240 to 190 to ___? 175?
Oh, I have been working with the nautilus too. That should help get some arm/chest/shoulder muscle definition.
I am really liking this. Minus missing the cookies and pizza!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Healthy and Plenty to Update
I would love to get to a weight where I can eat all of what I want to as well. Until then I am eating 90% healthy. When I reach one of my weight goals, which is different than what I originally shot for, I will blog on it. It should happen soon. I have recently started working with weights as well.
A few updates at the two month mark:
My blood pressure my entire adult life ranged from 140/90 to 120/75.
It now ranges from 120/75 to 100/65
My resting heart rate used to be around 90, no lie. It is now ranging from 58-70.
I can't wait to see what my cholesterol is.
And like I said, I will tell you my weight in the next week or two.
Well, the shin/calf muscle on my right leg have not healed. I may have to go to a doctor or something. No worse with rest but no better.
Wednesday I cycled on the stationary bike for 40 minutes.
Thursday I cycled on the stationary bike for 45 minutes.
Friday I cycled on the stationary bike for about 48 minutes.
Pedal hard for 10 seconds, as hard as you can. Then regular speed for 50. Do it again. The entire time.
I read that one.
Yesterday I took a spinning class with Joanna. It was tough because I am not used to standing up on the bike. It was an hour and I did some major sweating but I did not always listen to the woman. My butt is still killing me but a little better I think. Then I went back to the YMCA and rode for another 35 and they threw me out. I thought that they were joking but they close on Saturdays at 3 PM and all day Sunday! Are you kidding me? For 34 bucks a month that is a joke. Plus 30 bucks a month to park there! Closed on Sundays?
Oh well, today I ran 3.1 in 29 with a slight gimp. Damn the right leg pain!
My guilt then led me to an afternoon on the treadmill. I walked with the incline on the ten max, fluctuating the speed. I did it for 50+ minutes and burned 903 calories, so they say. I feel like I burn more on the bike but that is like a third less. I do not buy it.
Nevertheless a productive week. Getting there.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
YMCA Member Again!
Anyway, the reason is that my left shin and calf are still killing me. Yesterday I ran 2 miles and ouch. I have been limping. Perhaps a stress fracture? So I joined the Y.
I swam for about 4 laps and that is out. I am not a swimmer.
I then biked for about 20 minutes and did a ton of sweating. It killed my thighs but my lower leg problems were fine. I went back tonight and biked more at an easy resistance very quickly for 35 minutes more. I liked it. So there is a chance that in between runs and when my shins need resting that I have the biking option. I also want to use their weights. Mind as well do it all the way, right?
Next blog I will give a weight loss update. Stay tuned.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The run was scary but fun. People were passing me in the beginning but I had to keep my pace. I finished the first mile around 8, but some dude said 7:45 at one point. Come to find out he was not exactly at the first mile.
I felt strong but nervous throughout the race.
It ended with a huge hill and then a 100 yard dash. I wanted to puke after the hill because people were cheering as I went up it. Ugh! Nonetheless I finish and was pleased.
Of course Joanna did very well. Her first race ever at 23:15, she won the 22-30 age range!
I can't wait to run another race.
Oh, this morning, we ran 6.4 miles at a very slow pace (my decision) in about an hour and seven minutes. I ate 4 baked potato skins with some cheddar cheese and that needed to be worked off!
All in all a productive running weekend! The shins and calf muscles were cramped the entire way today though. Oh well, no pain no gain, right?
Friday, July 17, 2009
Tomorrow We Race
This Tuesday and Wednesday I ran 5K (3.1) runs and timed them out. The first alone and second with Joanna. The times were 27.55 and 27.35. This means that I am running an 8:45 mile pace which is significantly better than the 11 minute mile pace I was doing a month ago.
Yesterday I played 7 games of one on one hoops and broke a better sweat than even the runs so I am pleased with the effort. I will give you a weight loss update soon.
Today, no running except for errands. Perhaps some non-choreographed walking and that is it.
Tomorrow, we race. Pacing scares me, I do not want to come out too fast or too slow. Honestly, anything under 28 and I will be pleased. I will not even be disappointed in under 30, because I have no idea what to expect and anything could happen.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Race Time Almost Here, Ugh
I took a rest last Wednesday and here is my last few days of running:
Thursday: 2 miles in 18 minutes, fast for me. Shins killing me!
Friday: 3.1- a 5K in 28:45...I'll take it. I also got another pair of sneakers at Fleet Feet. Man, on camera I run like an idiot!
Saturday: 6 miles in 66 minutes. Not bad for the distance. And a long walk that evening.
Sunday: 3.1 in 27:50, now we are talking. Shins hurt again though. New shoes old problems.
Today: Came home from school and ran in the sun, 4.6 in 50 minutes. Calf on the right side cramped up in the second mile. Ran thru it. Hurt the whole way. The left knee then started hurting at the top near the 3 mile mark. Ugh!
As far as food with the exception of some Olive Garden once, too many crackers once, a cookie, and potato salad Saturday night, I am golden.
Fruit/light cheese/beans/carrots/salad/hummus/wheat bread/sugar free pudding/cereal/skim milk/yogurt/and a little cheating here and there.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Darn Shins!
Nevertheless, I am still running and bettering my times:
Sunday: 4 miles in 41 minutes
Monday: 3.6 miles in 36:30
Tuesday: 3.7 miles in 35 minutes
Perhaps a rest day for my shins soon, we will see.
Until then...I battle on!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
6.7 MILES! Holy Crap!
Yesterday, I ran 1.4 miles at Joanna's pace of 11:30! That is a freaking 7:45 mile, a sprint. She is nuts. I walked the next .6 and finished the 2 miler faster than I normally run it at- with .6 walking! Ha ha ha! We also walked to and from the Fireworks at our lake for an extra couple miles of walk.
Today, Happy 4th. In preparation for our 5K race (3.1 miles) in two weeks we mapped out a 5K course and ran it today. Joanna promised she would set a pace that was good for me. I am typically running 10:30-10:50 miles or more in distances over 3, so I was uncertain as to how it would work.
Well, we ran the 5K in 29:05. It was really windy, I ran some on grass, and still 9:23 mile pace for 3.1!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is progress- I increased my pace by a full minute a mile! My goal for the 5K is under 28:00 and it might be do-able!
What a productive 3 days!
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
A Frantic 2 Mile Pace
I then felt guilty for only running 2 miles and got 8 friends to play basketball on my low rim, moved to the park across the street from my house. We played for 2 hours and I was less winded than everyone else, at least it seemed. Seriously though, it felt good.
Today I ran 4.9 miles with a full sprint for the last .1 in 54:30. Slow but I was feeling some lower leg and back pain and I kept my pacing in check. It did allow for the burst at the end.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Oh, and yesterday I ran 4.25 in 45 and a half.
This is getting crazy.
I can feel the potential of planter facitious (sp.?) coming back though, like ten years ago. Uh oh.
Wow, 5 miles!
Friday, June 26, 2009
A Rest Day Really Did Work!
It hurt terribly Wednesday night and all day Thursday. Friday morning (this morning) it was back to about 90%. It was cool and drizzly and I thought, perfect time to run. I favored the ligament the entire run by keep my strides much slower and avoiding the huge declines and inclines.
When I finished, I ran 4.25 miles in 46 minutes. S L O W...but my longest run yet! And to tell you the truth I could have run longer-at least my brain and lungs though so. My muscles and ligaments were another story, I thought I should rest them a bit!
Oh, and no music. It is better without I think- SOMEHOW.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I Suck, I Really Do
Monday I quit then ran more later. Yesterday I felt sick to my stomach after 2 and change and today I ran 2 miles in the extreme heat and quit on myself, walked the last one mile. Ugh. Granted, my Achilles, my shins, my calves, my left hammy, my groin, my feet and my right heal hurt but I need to get tougher.
When I finished my run-walk I mowed half of my lawn. Later I am going to go out again or fast walk on the treadmill on the high incline. I need to do something because I am losing the edge.
Next run no music, like the old times. I have to do something!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
An Extra Burst!?
Hmmmm, maybe there is hope to increase speed.
So in total 3.2 for the day or so.
And a twenty minute walk with Joanna after my big mostly vinegar and spices salad and sugar free 60 calorie chocolate pudding and five pretzel dinner.
All in all yesterday was a productive day!
Monday, June 22, 2009
What a Wussy
I walked 1.2 after as well. Better than nothing I suppose. What to eat for dinner though?
22 pounds lost in 30 days though, I weighed in at school! I also ate potato chips after though, ouch!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The BEST Run Ever
I ate a plate and a quarter of bad food at the Springside Inn for Father's Day brunch. It was a "sacrifice" for my dad. The waiter took my second plate while I was in the bathroom or it would have been 2 plates.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day 28 and Rainy
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sorry, Busy Week
Here is what I did:
Monday, 2.6 miles
Tuesday, 3 miles
Wednesday, I burned 855 calories on the treadmill mostly incline walking at "10" for an hour.
Thursday, 3 miles
Still running about ten minute miles.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Nice Weekend of Running
Friday, June 12, 2009
Running Week! Losing Some Weight
I am still eating well and my shins and calf muscles are a little better with the ice, extra stretching, Aleve, and grass running starts.
This week I did the 2 mile or so thing consistently.
I HAVE LOST ABOUT 16 POUNDS TOTAL! My goal is 45 in all. 29 to go!
Here was the tally:
Sunday morning, 2.1 miles
Monday, 1.9 miles
Tuesday, 2.1 miles
Wednesday nothing...rest, award ceremony at school and tired.
Thursday, a 2.1 morning run. It felt great at 5 AM!
Friday night, another 2.1
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Sarah Palin Here and I Still Run
Sorry I did not keep up with the journal but busy running and eating healthy, although I did have pizza slices once.
I ran each day of the week for about 1.5 or so, except Friday night where I walked 3 or so. Saturday morning I ran hard and then want to see Sarah Palin speak here in Auburn with dad. Later the "Taste of Syracuse" with Joanna but that stunk. I did eat some bad food yesterday though.
2 miler today though! Progress!
Mostly in the one mile- one and a half all week.
SHIN SPLINTS KILLING ME! Here is the advice at school from the runners:
ice, extra stretching, Aleve, and grass running starts.
I will try.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Bought a Scale
I also had hash browns and unbuttered wheat toast from Denny's.
And blue cheese dressing salad, 3 pieces of bread, steak, and mashed potatoes for dinner. Too far.
The scale (before the food) said that I lost freaking 8 pounds though. So I am happy.
I ran for a mile too.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Miserable Day
Man am I miserable. Although I did run for awhile. Maybe a mile this morning.
Friday, May 29, 2009
I Need a Break
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thursday, Day Five
I ran about .75 of a mile, then sprinted and walked for a bit.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Fourth Day, Getting There
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day Three
Ran a struggle of about a mile.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day Two, Happy Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Adventure Begins
Well here we go, my second blogging venture and my fifth running ADventure. Running was a major reason that I did not enjoy sports as a teen, I was that lazy. Seriously, I hated running. Well, fifty pounds later in 1998 I tried my first running stint. It lasted about 2 months and one 5K race at 28 minutes.
I am running 2009 style for a mulitude of reasons.
- I have gained about twenty or so pounds since the fall. Darn the new house and always accessible food!
- I need to lose weight to properly wear my clothes.
- My tight pants are hurting the nerves in my thighs, seriously.
- I have a wedding in August and those pictures last forever.
- I LOVE FOOD, especially the wrong food and I need to eat what I want to.
So thanks to a motivational talk to a friend and some harsh truths from my fiance's doctor brother, off I go.
I plan on blogging what I did each day for your viewing pleasure...enjoy!
I ate the buffet at the Turning Stone today. Ugh.
I ran about .5 miles. Then I walked about .75
It is a start.