Well in case you were wondering the streak continues. I have not missed a day of running/biking/etc. in well over a year. With the baby coming in two weeks I still do not see that changing.
I have had some hip/groin pain frequenting my right side. It is making running uncomfortable and some days the recumbent bike is the only option.
That said, I am still determined to never miss another day of exercise.
A blog dedicated to my plight into the foreign world of health and fitness. I am battling laziness, food addiction, carb loving, a lifetime of bad habits and genetics. Will I survive?
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
21:54 in the Auburn Great Race!

This event is a team triathlon and the biggest in the country of its kind. One runner, one biker, and then either Kayak solo/team or canoe teams. It is a relay. I obviously ran.
I did not sleep well the night before and got a late start because I could not find my team to get the computer chip and number. By the time I got to the start line it was about 4 minutes before race time!
I lined up with the crowd next to a former student of mine who is running in college this fall. He is fast and I needed to not stay with him, which I did not. My pace was still way too fast though. I felt like puking right from the start of the race! At the 1st mile, 6:20! Too fast, obviously. I did not have one single moment of comfort in this race.
A guy that I work with who is fast and experienced passed me at about the 1 and 1/4 mile mark and said "Jason, you came out too fast" and snickered and he was right. I was wobbling for a little there.
At the 2nd mile marker no time was given so I yelled out to other runners and a guy said 13:50, geez-I slowed down to a freaking 7:30 second mile! That sucked.
I knew I needed to push the last 1.1 miles, and it was wind in my face for the entire straightaway. Plus-no one was really around me, somehow. 400+ 5k runners and I am alone?
I pushed and pushed and did about a 7:10 last mile and gutted the last tenth to finish at 21:54.
That is a personal best by 4 seconds. Man, I guess I am consistent-my last three races were somehow all within 5 seconds!!! Crazy!
I then had to keep running to #473 biker to hand off the wristband, a cruel post-finish line ritual. I am not sure how my team finished but I ran 7:04 minute miles over the 3.1 and finished 101 out of 440 or something. I am pleased but there must be room to improve even more. The fast start was stupid as was the lack of sleep. Mind you, I run 30 miles a week and this was a shorter run than I ever do so I need to break through the plateau.
That said, it sure was nice to be a part of Auburn's finest hour- The Great Race-and as a participant and not a oblivious spectator.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
21:58 Fillmore 5K (3.1 Miles)
Well, somehow I had the exact same time to the second as my last 5k two weeks ago- 21:58. I finished 26th of 130 runners. 3rd in the 31-40 age group.
It makes me happy, however, because it was much more humid and ended with a steep uphill. Plus-I was not feeling it and gutted it out. It was just last year that I did the same course at 26:47 so I have made substantial progress.
I came out fast and ran:
Mile 1- 6:30
Mile 2- 7:17
Mile 3- 7:26
plus the last tenth in 45 seconds.
Around 7:05 minute miles, I will take it.
Hopefully the Great Race is less humidity and my legs feel better.
It makes me happy, however, because it was much more humid and ended with a steep uphill. Plus-I was not feeling it and gutted it out. It was just last year that I did the same course at 26:47 so I have made substantial progress.
I came out fast and ran:
Mile 1- 6:30
Mile 2- 7:17
Mile 3- 7:26
plus the last tenth in 45 seconds.
Around 7:05 minute miles, I will take it.
Hopefully the Great Race is less humidity and my legs feel better.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Seneca River Run 5K- a New Personal Best Time!
So yesterday morning I ran in another race, the 5K Seneca River Days "River Run" in Baldwinsville, New York. It was finally cooler and I felt good after my warmup.
I went out fast with the first group and kept with them for a bit. There were about 100 runners and there were about 10 or so ahead of me. The entire race I was never passed once and I felt like I maintained the same pace. There were no mile markers and I forgot my stopwatch so I really had no clue as to timing or anything.
I almost got lost turning the wrong way twice which lost me a few seconds.
I still beat my old personal best by almost a minute!
Just over 7 minute mile pace for 3.1!!!
I think I finished around 12th or 13th overall!
I am so happy with the progress. It was about a year ago in Moravia that I did 27:30 and I was SO HAPPY with that time! Man, this is getting crazy!
Every day out there is paying off. Even more exciting I am having fun doing it!
I went out fast with the first group and kept with them for a bit. There were about 100 runners and there were about 10 or so ahead of me. The entire race I was never passed once and I felt like I maintained the same pace. There were no mile markers and I forgot my stopwatch so I really had no clue as to timing or anything.
I almost got lost turning the wrong way twice which lost me a few seconds.
I still beat my old personal best by almost a minute!
Just over 7 minute mile pace for 3.1!!!
I think I finished around 12th or 13th overall!
I am so happy with the progress. It was about a year ago in Moravia that I did 27:30 and I was SO HAPPY with that time! Man, this is getting crazy!
Every day out there is paying off. Even more exciting I am having fun doing it!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Mountain Goat Hell
Well I ran the "Mountain Goat Run" yesterday morning in Syracuse, NY. In retrospect, it was a major mistake. Other than the fact that I got a pretty nice T-Shirt and felt kind of cool beforehand, it was a mistake. Here are 10 reasons as to why:
1. It is a 10, yes 10 mile race. That is 16K or so. That is about 2 miles longer than I have ever run in my life. Granted I do cardio every day, this is not something I am prepared for.
2. It is the hilliest course I have ever run. There is an uphill on Colvin Ave. that does not seem bad at a glance but NEVER ends. It killed me. The worst 2 hills ever.
3. I went to New York City on a bus Friday morning through Saturday night. I slept 4 hours Friday night.
4. I did not take the pre-race day off. As a matter of fact, I beat my legs on the recumbent bike for an hour and then walked the streets of Manhattan all day.
5. I ate more poorly in the last few days then I have since I started losing weight/exercising. Alfredo's best Fetticini Alfredo in the world from 49th Street, a HUGE shredded beef burrito from Chipotle's (best ever), tons of Pretzel M&M's (new) and all sorts of other junk including onion rings, root beer floats, french fries and on and on. Not great in your stomach before your longest race ever.
6. It was 84 degrees and wicked humid. People were dropping all over the course.
7. Did I mention the hills? The downhill sucked as much as the uphill did, by the way. What a nightmare course. Perhaps I should have done a training run beforehand like the other participants to see the course. Perhaps I should have stretched a run beyond 6 miles which I hadn't since last summer.
8. I had nowhere to put my keys so I carried them in my hand the entire run! Disaster right there.
9. I did not drink nearly enough water in NYC like I typically do each day.
10. My right arch has been killing me. Not a time for a run of that length. I have only run for cardio once in the past 7 days prior too. Not a good training move. I either walked the incline on the treadmill or rode the bike. Stupid!
Mile 0-1: Flying with my friend Mark (he ran 10 miles in 70 minutes last year-he is a warrior.) Kept with him until a half mile when he looked and said we were running a 6:20 mile pace. That is ABSURD! Finished mile 1 @ 6:50. SO DUMB-terribly fast.
Mile 1-2: Darn it, I am not feeling good already-I looked at my stopwatch at 11:40 and thought that it seemed long. It was all of the food in my tummy. 7:50 mile and 14:40- back on pace (sort of-still fast).
Mile 2-3: People are passing me still, you know you came out too fast when people are passing you in substantial numbers. Finished 8:00 and 22:40 after three-heck, I would be running a killer 5K and this is with some pacing in this heat. I should be sticking to those!
Mile 3-4: I am in hell now. Or on the way there. It is soooooo long between miles now. I guess it is mental because I run 5 milers 5 times a week on average. 8:30 (hill) and 31:10 after 4.
Mile 4-5: This is officially a disaster. I just keep slowing down because of the above factor list and the fast start. I basically screwed myself here. Crappy mile of pacing around 8:50 or so. I am at 40 minutes and angry.
Mile 5-6: I have to tell you- there is a hill here that was constructed by the devil. This was a mountain and must be a name for the title of the race. I crept up it because it was a disaster. It still took me freaking way to long and I ran an 10 minute mile or so-now I am 50 after 6.
Mile 6-7: A second wind of sorts. I ditched the stopwatch from one hand in the grass. It was a burden. Carrying the keys for 10 miles in my palm was horrible enough. I finished this one in 7:50! I was feeling a little better. 57:50 after seven. 3 miles left-I have a real shot here to break 1:20-1:25 which is all that I wanted.
Mile 7-8: I was running pretty well considering the hills and I finished at 8 or so minutes and 1:05 after 8.
Mile 8-9: DISASTER! I HIT A WALL and GOT A CRAMP at once under my right rib cage. I basically could not longer run. I never thought I would reach this point in a race. I had reached my limit. I rationalized and told myself that it was fine. I was a little delirious. I watched two people collapse and it looked good to me. Seriously. I almost just went to the EMT and said "call my wife" because I had it. Finally I made the horrible runner decision to walk. There was no other choice. It was over. I was willing to walk to the end. I was having trouble even walking at this point. I did this walking mile in 16 minutes and was now at 1:21! I was done. What a mess.
Mile 9-10: I considered quitting and turning and finding someone to call Joanna and go to my car and home but I was embarrassed. I was walking and I saw a cop who said "just one more mile" and I was like "nope-I am done and fine with it". Then I finally decided that I could run slowly and I did. I ran (jogged) to the finish weak and ill. I finished like 1:32:20 (782 of over 2000 runners-not too bad) or something and was apparently white as a ghost. I staggered to a table and drank 15 dixie cups of water and Powerade and was angry and ill for twenty minutes. What a crappy time and experience.
Oh well, every race that I run this summer (and forever) will be better. I will be rested, more prepared, and it will be shorter. I am actually looking forward to 6.2 mile 10K's! They seem easy and I could shoot for under 50:00-48:00. Anything will be better than Mountain Goat hell.
I went from 6:50 miles to 8 minute mile pace to finish in 9:15 mile pace because of the darn walking mile 8-9! I guess there is only up from here!
1. It is a 10, yes 10 mile race. That is 16K or so. That is about 2 miles longer than I have ever run in my life. Granted I do cardio every day, this is not something I am prepared for.
2. It is the hilliest course I have ever run. There is an uphill on Colvin Ave. that does not seem bad at a glance but NEVER ends. It killed me. The worst 2 hills ever.
3. I went to New York City on a bus Friday morning through Saturday night. I slept 4 hours Friday night.
4. I did not take the pre-race day off. As a matter of fact, I beat my legs on the recumbent bike for an hour and then walked the streets of Manhattan all day.
5. I ate more poorly in the last few days then I have since I started losing weight/exercising. Alfredo's best Fetticini Alfredo in the world from 49th Street, a HUGE shredded beef burrito from Chipotle's (best ever), tons of Pretzel M&M's (new) and all sorts of other junk including onion rings, root beer floats, french fries and on and on. Not great in your stomach before your longest race ever.
6. It was 84 degrees and wicked humid. People were dropping all over the course.
7. Did I mention the hills? The downhill sucked as much as the uphill did, by the way. What a nightmare course. Perhaps I should have done a training run beforehand like the other participants to see the course. Perhaps I should have stretched a run beyond 6 miles which I hadn't since last summer.
8. I had nowhere to put my keys so I carried them in my hand the entire run! Disaster right there.
9. I did not drink nearly enough water in NYC like I typically do each day.
10. My right arch has been killing me. Not a time for a run of that length. I have only run for cardio once in the past 7 days prior too. Not a good training move. I either walked the incline on the treadmill or rode the bike. Stupid!
Mile 0-1: Flying with my friend Mark (he ran 10 miles in 70 minutes last year-he is a warrior.) Kept with him until a half mile when he looked and said we were running a 6:20 mile pace. That is ABSURD! Finished mile 1 @ 6:50. SO DUMB-terribly fast.
Mile 1-2: Darn it, I am not feeling good already-I looked at my stopwatch at 11:40 and thought that it seemed long. It was all of the food in my tummy. 7:50 mile and 14:40- back on pace (sort of-still fast).
Mile 2-3: People are passing me still, you know you came out too fast when people are passing you in substantial numbers. Finished 8:00 and 22:40 after three-heck, I would be running a killer 5K and this is with some pacing in this heat. I should be sticking to those!
Mile 3-4: I am in hell now. Or on the way there. It is soooooo long between miles now. I guess it is mental because I run 5 milers 5 times a week on average. 8:30 (hill) and 31:10 after 4.
Mile 4-5: This is officially a disaster. I just keep slowing down because of the above factor list and the fast start. I basically screwed myself here. Crappy mile of pacing around 8:50 or so. I am at 40 minutes and angry.
Mile 5-6: I have to tell you- there is a hill here that was constructed by the devil. This was a mountain and must be a name for the title of the race. I crept up it because it was a disaster. It still took me freaking way to long and I ran an 10 minute mile or so-now I am 50 after 6.
Mile 6-7: A second wind of sorts. I ditched the stopwatch from one hand in the grass. It was a burden. Carrying the keys for 10 miles in my palm was horrible enough. I finished this one in 7:50! I was feeling a little better. 57:50 after seven. 3 miles left-I have a real shot here to break 1:20-1:25 which is all that I wanted.
Mile 7-8: I was running pretty well considering the hills and I finished at 8 or so minutes and 1:05 after 8.
Mile 8-9: DISASTER! I HIT A WALL and GOT A CRAMP at once under my right rib cage. I basically could not longer run. I never thought I would reach this point in a race. I had reached my limit. I rationalized and told myself that it was fine. I was a little delirious. I watched two people collapse and it looked good to me. Seriously. I almost just went to the EMT and said "call my wife" because I had it. Finally I made the horrible runner decision to walk. There was no other choice. It was over. I was willing to walk to the end. I was having trouble even walking at this point. I did this walking mile in 16 minutes and was now at 1:21! I was done. What a mess.
Mile 9-10: I considered quitting and turning and finding someone to call Joanna and go to my car and home but I was embarrassed. I was walking and I saw a cop who said "just one more mile" and I was like "nope-I am done and fine with it". Then I finally decided that I could run slowly and I did. I ran (jogged) to the finish weak and ill. I finished like 1:32:20 (782 of over 2000 runners-not too bad) or something and was apparently white as a ghost. I staggered to a table and drank 15 dixie cups of water and Powerade and was angry and ill for twenty minutes. What a crappy time and experience.
Oh well, every race that I run this summer (and forever) will be better. I will be rested, more prepared, and it will be shorter. I am actually looking forward to 6.2 mile 10K's! They seem easy and I could shoot for under 50:00-48:00. Anything will be better than Mountain Goat hell.
I went from 6:50 miles to 8 minute mile pace to finish in 9:15 mile pace because of the darn walking mile 8-9! I guess there is only up from here!
Sunday, April 4, 2010
6 Straight Days With 5 Miles a Day!
I feel like an animal let out of a cage. This early summer (that is sure not to last) in Central New York has provided me an escape from the recumbent bike, YMCA track, and treadmill and given me more scenic routes. All in all, 6 days in a row I have run a different 5 mile route.
My times have fluctuated greatly as well from 36 minutes to over 39! I guess the terrain, incline, wind, and my legs are big factors. Running 7:20-7:40 miles over 5 miles 5 straight days is a great accomplishment.
I am eating too much and obsessed with Junior Mints currently...so my days of losing more weight are over. Plus I am lifting weights as well and if muscle really does weigh more than fat that is a factor as well. So I am 70 or so pounds down from last year and in maintenance mode. Itching to run a 10K!
My times have fluctuated greatly as well from 36 minutes to over 39! I guess the terrain, incline, wind, and my legs are big factors. Running 7:20-7:40 miles over 5 miles 5 straight days is a great accomplishment.
I am eating too much and obsessed with Junior Mints currently...so my days of losing more weight are over. Plus I am lifting weights as well and if muscle really does weigh more than fat that is a factor as well. So I am 70 or so pounds down from last year and in maintenance mode. Itching to run a 10K!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Just An Update-Still Going Strong
I am still going and going strong. I have had nagging injuries to my knee, leg, foot, etc. but they have not stopped me from getting in my hour each and every day.
The weather has been nicer so I have mapped out a few 5 and 6 mile runs. This is much better than 95 or 114 times around the track around the gym at the YMCA-that gets monotonous!
For 5 or 6 miles I am maintaining 7:30-7:45 minute miles. I know I probably could do more with a partner or pushed. I am getting ready to take my show on the road-to a race hopefully soon. It is exciting to run 6 miles in just over what my first 4 mile run was last summer.
Still I have not missed a day. I also have the incline all the way up-no holding on- 4 MPH walk on the treadmill for 60 minutes which burns exactly 1120 calories once or maybe twice a week. And I have the recumbent bike once or twice a week too as a running alternative on the max to burn what says 800 calories (some bikes differ and to be honest I sweat like more than that) in 60 minutes.
I eat like I used to minus the 3 slices of pizza at a time and mozz sticks 2x a week! No weight gain at all. Keeping it off which is as hard as losing it was!
The weather has been nicer so I have mapped out a few 5 and 6 mile runs. This is much better than 95 or 114 times around the track around the gym at the YMCA-that gets monotonous!
For 5 or 6 miles I am maintaining 7:30-7:45 minute miles. I know I probably could do more with a partner or pushed. I am getting ready to take my show on the road-to a race hopefully soon. It is exciting to run 6 miles in just over what my first 4 mile run was last summer.
Still I have not missed a day. I also have the incline all the way up-no holding on- 4 MPH walk on the treadmill for 60 minutes which burns exactly 1120 calories once or maybe twice a week. And I have the recumbent bike once or twice a week too as a running alternative on the max to burn what says 800 calories (some bikes differ and to be honest I sweat like more than that) in 60 minutes.
I eat like I used to minus the 3 slices of pizza at a time and mozz sticks 2x a week! No weight gain at all. Keeping it off which is as hard as losing it was!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
I Am Getting Faster...
My speed is increasing, I can't wait to try a 5K. I also can't wait to run outside. The track at the YMCA is boring and people get into my way. 95 laps=5 miles and I did it in 38 minutes the other day. Considering the variables of people and turning and whatnot that is pretty exciting.
This morning I ran with one of the X Country stars from my high school. I cramped up after 57 laps (3 miles) and I am sure it was because I was running too hard (he is a machine) and perhaps on an empty stomach or something. We did those 3 (pacing for 5 though) on that track in 21:30 or so. That means I might be able to run a fast 5K at some point soon health permitting. A far cry from my 11 minute miles of 8 months ago!
Remember- plenty of water, no excuses- cardio every day. Every single day. No 30 minute deals either!
This morning I ran with one of the X Country stars from my high school. I cramped up after 57 laps (3 miles) and I am sure it was because I was running too hard (he is a machine) and perhaps on an empty stomach or something. We did those 3 (pacing for 5 though) on that track in 21:30 or so. That means I might be able to run a fast 5K at some point soon health permitting. A far cry from my 11 minute miles of 8 months ago!
Remember- plenty of water, no excuses- cardio every day. Every single day. No 30 minute deals either!
Friday, January 15, 2010
1500 Calories on the Recumbant Bike at the Max!
Still doing my hour a day, eating a ton, and maintaining weight.
It is busy but exciting.
I rode the recumbent bike on day at the max for an hour. It was like 28 miles and it said I burned 1500 calories at the 56 minute mark and reset! It was crazy, I put it on the 20 of 20 setting and pedalled full throtle for the entire time!
Since then the knee has been killing me while running again. So I am running only a few days a week and walking on the incline more than I would like to. No more physical therapy (still have the problem) but I have my own exercises. Here is what I have:
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Description:Pain on the outside of your knee (not usually accompanied by swelling or locking). The pain may be sporadic and disappear with rest, only to reoccur suddenly, often at the same point in a run. Depending on the individual, this could happen at four miles, two miles or just 200 yards. The pain often goes away almost immediately after you stop running.
Likely causes:This is an overuse injury. The iliotibial band is a band of tissue that begins at the outside of the pelvis and extends to the outside part of the knee. The band helps stabilize the knee. If it becomes too short, the band rubs too tightly on the bone of your leg and becomes irritated. The tightness is usually the result of too much strain from overtraining.
Remedy:Patience. This one takes a while. Give yourself plenty of rest, reduce your miles and ice frequently. You can keep running, but cut your run short as soon as you begin to feel any pain. Cut way back on hill work, and be sure to run on even surfaces. Look into some deep friction massage with a physical therapist.
Try some leg-raise exercises to strengthen your hips and be conscientious about the iliotibial band stretch. You might supplement that stretch with this one, doing it gently but often:
To stretch the IT band of your right leg, stand with your left side facing the wall. Cross your right leg behind your left, while putting your left hand against the wall. Put your weight on the right leg and lean against the wall by pushing your right hip away from the wall. Be sure that your right foot is parallel to the wall during the stretch. You should be able to feel the stretch in your hip and down the IT band (in this case, along the right side of your right leg). Hold for five seconds and do this ten times. For the left leg, do as above, but stand with your right side facing the wall, and put your left leg behind your right.
It is busy but exciting.
I rode the recumbent bike on day at the max for an hour. It was like 28 miles and it said I burned 1500 calories at the 56 minute mark and reset! It was crazy, I put it on the 20 of 20 setting and pedalled full throtle for the entire time!
Since then the knee has been killing me while running again. So I am running only a few days a week and walking on the incline more than I would like to. No more physical therapy (still have the problem) but I have my own exercises. Here is what I have:
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Description:Pain on the outside of your knee (not usually accompanied by swelling or locking). The pain may be sporadic and disappear with rest, only to reoccur suddenly, often at the same point in a run. Depending on the individual, this could happen at four miles, two miles or just 200 yards. The pain often goes away almost immediately after you stop running.
Likely causes:This is an overuse injury. The iliotibial band is a band of tissue that begins at the outside of the pelvis and extends to the outside part of the knee. The band helps stabilize the knee. If it becomes too short, the band rubs too tightly on the bone of your leg and becomes irritated. The tightness is usually the result of too much strain from overtraining.
Remedy:Patience. This one takes a while. Give yourself plenty of rest, reduce your miles and ice frequently. You can keep running, but cut your run short as soon as you begin to feel any pain. Cut way back on hill work, and be sure to run on even surfaces. Look into some deep friction massage with a physical therapist.
Try some leg-raise exercises to strengthen your hips and be conscientious about the iliotibial band stretch. You might supplement that stretch with this one, doing it gently but often:
To stretch the IT band of your right leg, stand with your left side facing the wall. Cross your right leg behind your left, while putting your left hand against the wall. Put your weight on the right leg and lean against the wall by pushing your right hip away from the wall. Be sure that your right foot is parallel to the wall during the stretch. You should be able to feel the stretch in your hip and down the IT band (in this case, along the right side of your right leg). Hold for five seconds and do this ten times. For the left leg, do as above, but stand with your right side facing the wall, and put your left leg behind your right.
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