Sunday, July 26, 2009

Healthy and Plenty to Update

Well it has been two months and I have gone through many changes. I want to just clear up any misconceptions that I keep hearing. I am not doing this for my wedding, although that helps motivate me. I am exercising and eating the right way for me. I have abused my body for many years and now that has changed. It is not a temporary thing, it is permanent. I plan on exercising forever. I don't drink or smoke and I am trying to be healthy in every way.

I would love to get to a weight where I can eat all of what I want to as well. Until then I am eating 90% healthy. When I reach one of my weight goals, which is different than what I originally shot for, I will blog on it. It should happen soon. I have recently started working with weights as well.

A few updates at the two month mark:

My blood pressure my entire adult life ranged from 140/90 to 120/75.
It now ranges from 120/75 to 100/65

My resting heart rate used to be around 90, no lie. It is now ranging from 58-70.

I can't wait to see what my cholesterol is.

And like I said, I will tell you my weight in the next week or two.

Well, the shin/calf muscle on my right leg have not healed. I may have to go to a doctor or something. No worse with rest but no better.

Wednesday I cycled on the stationary bike for 40 minutes.
Thursday I cycled on the stationary bike for 45 minutes.
Friday I cycled on the stationary bike for about 48 minutes.

Pedal hard for 10 seconds, as hard as you can. Then regular speed for 50. Do it again. The entire time.

I read that one.

Yesterday I took a spinning class with Joanna. It was tough because I am not used to standing up on the bike. It was an hour and I did some major sweating but I did not always listen to the woman. My butt is still killing me but a little better I think. Then I went back to the YMCA and rode for another 35 and they threw me out. I thought that they were joking but they close on Saturdays at 3 PM and all day Sunday! Are you kidding me? For 34 bucks a month that is a joke. Plus 30 bucks a month to park there! Closed on Sundays?

Oh well, today I ran 3.1 in 29 with a slight gimp. Damn the right leg pain!

My guilt then led me to an afternoon on the treadmill. I walked with the incline on the ten max, fluctuating the speed. I did it for 50+ minutes and burned 903 calories, so they say. I feel like I burn more on the bike but that is like a third less. I do not buy it.

Nevertheless a productive week. Getting there.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

YMCA Member Again!

Well, I joined the YMCA again. Another 30 dollars a month but this time I plan to actually use the facilities. You would think that with my grandpa being the director there from the 1940's to the 1970's I would get a free lifetime membership or something...kidding.

Anyway, the reason is that my left shin and calf are still killing me. Yesterday I ran 2 miles and ouch. I have been limping. Perhaps a stress fracture? So I joined the Y.

I swam for about 4 laps and that is out. I am not a swimmer.

I then biked for about 20 minutes and did a ton of sweating. It killed my thighs but my lower leg problems were fine. I went back tonight and biked more at an easy resistance very quickly for 35 minutes more. I liked it. So there is a chance that in between runs and when my shins need resting that I have the biking option. I also want to use their weights. Mind as well do it all the way, right?

Next blog I will give a weight loss update. Stay tuned.

Sunday, July 19, 2009


26:49, or something like that in the Fillmore 5K in Moravia, NY. Best I have ever done but there certainly is room for improvement. 8:35 minute miles approx., which is again, my best ever.

The run was scary but fun. People were passing me in the beginning but I had to keep my pace. I finished the first mile around 8, but some dude said 7:45 at one point. Come to find out he was not exactly at the first mile.

I felt strong but nervous throughout the race.

It ended with a huge hill and then a 100 yard dash. I wanted to puke after the hill because people were cheering as I went up it. Ugh! Nonetheless I finish and was pleased.

Of course Joanna did very well. Her first race ever at 23:15, she won the 22-30 age range!

I can't wait to run another race.

Oh, this morning, we ran 6.4 miles at a very slow pace (my decision) in about an hour and seven minutes. I ate 4 baked potato skins with some cheddar cheese and that needed to be worked off!

All in all a productive running weekend! The shins and calf muscles were cramped the entire way today though. Oh well, no pain no gain, right?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tomorrow We Race

Tomorrow is the Fillmore 5K, a real race. It's fun because it gives me something to shoot for and think about. That said, losing weight is more the goal than competitive racing, but nonetheless here we go.

This Tuesday and Wednesday I ran 5K (3.1) runs and timed them out. The first alone and second with Joanna. The times were 27.55 and 27.35. This means that I am running an 8:45 mile pace which is significantly better than the 11 minute mile pace I was doing a month ago.

Yesterday I played 7 games of one on one hoops and broke a better sweat than even the runs so I am pleased with the effort. I will give you a weight loss update soon.

Today, no running except for errands. Perhaps some non-choreographed walking and that is it.

Tomorrow, we race. Pacing scares me, I do not want to come out too fast or too slow. Honestly, anything under 28 and I will be pleased. I will not even be disappointed in under 30, because I have no idea what to expect and anything could happen.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Race Time Almost Here, Ugh

With the 5K Saturday I hope my shin/knees/calf muscles hold up. Man, my lungs and endurance are ready!

I took a rest last Wednesday and here is my last few days of running:

Thursday: 2 miles in 18 minutes, fast for me. Shins killing me!

Friday: 3.1- a 5K in 28:45...I'll take it. I also got another pair of sneakers at Fleet Feet. Man, on camera I run like an idiot!

Saturday: 6 miles in 66 minutes. Not bad for the distance. And a long walk that evening.

Sunday: 3.1 in 27:50, now we are talking. Shins hurt again though. New shoes old problems.

Today: Came home from school and ran in the sun, 4.6 in 50 minutes. Calf on the right side cramped up in the second mile. Ran thru it. Hurt the whole way. The left knee then started hurting at the top near the 3 mile mark. Ugh!

As far as food with the exception of some Olive Garden once, too many crackers once, a cookie, and potato salad Saturday night, I am golden.

Fruit/light cheese/beans/carrots/salad/hummus/wheat bread/sugar free pudding/cereal/skim milk/yogurt/and a little cheating here and there.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Darn Shins!

The shins, particularly the right one now, are keeping me from an increase in mileage. The end of my run today was because of a sharp pain on the right shin. Ouch! I hobbled home and just iced.

Nevertheless, I am still running and bettering my times:

Sunday: 4 miles in 41 minutes
Monday: 3.6 miles in 36:30
Tuesday: 3.7 miles in 35 minutes

Perhaps a rest day for my shins soon, we will see.

Until then...I battle on!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

6.7 MILES! Holy Crap!

Yepper, 6.7 miles in 77 minutes. I know, a very slow pace but all things considered, how exciting? I felt like freaking Forrest Gump! This was Thursday morning. My longest continuous run ever. I like distance better than I ever dreamed.

Yesterday, I ran 1.4 miles at Joanna's pace of 11:30! That is a freaking 7:45 mile, a sprint. She is nuts. I walked the next .6 and finished the 2 miler faster than I normally run it at- with .6 walking! Ha ha ha! We also walked to and from the Fireworks at our lake for an extra couple miles of walk.

Today, Happy 4th. In preparation for our 5K race (3.1 miles) in two weeks we mapped out a 5K course and ran it today. Joanna promised she would set a pace that was good for me. I am typically running 10:30-10:50 miles or more in distances over 3, so I was uncertain as to how it would work.

Well, we ran the 5K in 29:05. It was really windy, I ran some on grass, and still 9:23 mile pace for 3.1!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that is progress- I increased my pace by a full minute a mile! My goal for the 5K is under 28:00 and it might be do-able!

What a productive 3 days!